Thursday, November 25, 2010

Plane Geometric Figure Problem 2 Solution

This is the Plane Geometric Figure Problem 2 Solution which asked "The length of the second side of a triangle is four less than three times the length of the first side. The length of the third side is one more than the length of the first side. If the perimeter of the triangle is 37 feet, what is the length of the first side?"

Since everything is relative to the 1st side make the 1st side x.

The 2nd side is 3x - 4 (4 less than 3 times the length of the 1st side)

and the 3rd side is x + 1 ( 1 more than the length of the 1st side) 

Now all the sides add up to 37 feet so set all this equal to 37.

x + 3x - 4  + x + 1 = 37

5x - 3 = 37

5x = 40 

x = 8

So the 1st side is 8 the 2nd side is 3(8) - 4 or 20 and the 3rd side is 9 .. 8 + 20 + 9 = 37


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