Friday, March 13, 2009

Time and Distance Problem 7 Solution

Here's is the answer to the algebra word time and distance problem # 7:

If Bill is averaging 60 miles per an hour and Craig doesn't leave until 2 hours at 90 mi/hour, then that means that Bill traveled 60 mi/hr * 2 hr = 120 miles before Craig even left. Now how much faster is 90 miles an hour than 60 ? 90 - 60 = 30(this is the net gain of Bill which is what were worried about since were trying to figure out when he will catch up). So the question then becomes how long would it take you going 30 miles per an hour to go 120 miles --- 120/30 =4 So it takes 4 hours hours for Craig to catch him and since he was going 90 miles an hour he went a total of 90 * 4 or 360 miles.


90x = 60x + 120

30x = 120

x = 4

90(4) = 360

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